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Dan and Sue Rondeau are current senior ministers and partners with Mountain of Worship (MOW).


The Rondeau's use all the God given spiritual gifts mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12 and have pastoral hearts to enable inner healing - which often leads to physical healing. They minister in person or online. We travel mostly throughout the northeast U.S as ministers.

They've ministered in all of the northeast US California, Florida, Arizona, Alaska and other places. As well as Columbia, South America and Poland. 

Dan and Sue are currently visiting churches throughout the Northeast releases timely messages to the leadership of the local house. As of June 2022 we have visited over 60 houses of God and given them specific direction and hopeful words for that houses as directly by Papa God. We minister between 100 to 200 people a month, currently, as directed by God. Including at local stores and in passing. 

God has also opened the door for Dan to mentor young men. Currently it is 4 has God is h previously, some around the country via the internet. Its exciting to see Him move in people's lives. 

We have also married 3 couples so far. It is cool to have God move in many hearts. We are very thankful to the Lord. 

Both have studied in Biblical and Theological Studies at the Northeast Bible Institute. God has us mentoring the younger generation too,. They are trained in over 7 different healing ministry courses.

The Rondeau's live in southern New Hampshire.

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